Legends & Legacies


  • Legends and Legacies of Houston is a NEW nonprofit
  • It is founded by Marilyn Gambrell
  • The Founder of "The Sheepdog," Jon Paul is treasurer for the
  • The primary focus is to help children of incarcerated parents

Marilyn Gambrell

Though Marilyn is well known for her film, Fighting the odds," her friends and family know her for  the care and passion she has to help children of incarcerated parents

"Fighting the Odds"

“Parole officer Marilyn Gambrell and a colleague set up a pioneer trial-based program in one of America's toughest high schools to help the children of incarcerated parents regain control of their own lives and not expect the same thing to happen as it did to their parents. To the surprise of everyone, the program works, but the administration warns the duo that it will not last unless every senior student is able to pass his or her final exams and graduate with the class. As the end of the school year approaches, Gambrell faces a crisis to save everything she believes in or lose it all.”